
eye drops Learn more about eye drops

  • How to give the dog eye drops!

    How to give the dog eye drops!

    Common eye diseases can cause tears or excessive secretions. If left alone, these secretions will stain the hair on the dog's face. Before dropping eye drops, carefully wipe off the dirt from the corners of the dog's eyes with wet cotton. Wash the dog's eyes with warm water or veterinarian eye drops. Human eye drops should not be used. Be careful not to get cotton fibers into your eyes. Gently grasp the dog and open its eyes. In order not to frighten the dog, drop eye drops from behind its head. Let the lotion stay in the eye for a little more time after dripping.

  • Chloramphenicol eye drops skillfully treat orchid soft rot

    Chloramphenicol eye drops skillfully treat orchid soft rot

    Chloramphenicol eye drops skillfully treat orchid soft rot.

  • How to give the chicken eyes and nose drops

    How to give the chicken eyes and nose drops

    Eye: for the chick to gently hold the chicken with the left hand, so that it does not move, take some eye bottles in the right hand, gently drop to the left and right eyes, wait for the chicken to do a blink action, and then release the liquid completely into the eyes after absorption, otherwise let go early, the liquid is only on the surface of the eyeball, did not enter the eye, the chicken is very easy to shake its head, so the liquid is thrown out, did not achieve the purpose of immunity. When an adult chicken is immunized, just open the door of the chicken cage and hold the chicken neck. (the chicken only has its head and neck outside the cage and its body is in the cage.) the method of nodding eyes is the same as that of chicks. Nasal dripping: nasal dripping is also a chicken.

  • Excision of third eyelid polyp in dogs

    Excision of third eyelid polyp in dogs

    Dog third eyelid polyp is also known as "cherry eye". Due to glandular hypertrophy and other reasons, inflammation occurs when the nictitating membrane is flipped from the inside to the outside of the eye, which increases eye secretions and presents symptoms of conjunctivitis. Hypertrophy of superficial nictitating membrane glands is common in clinic. it can occur in one or both eyes. It is a common eye disease in pet surgery. The routine treatment with eye drops, eye ointment and antibiotics often has no effect. The effect of surgical resection is satisfactory and there is no recurrence. In clinical work, surgical resection was performed in more than 20 cases of the disease.

  • Eye protection for dogs

    Eye protection for dogs

    An animal's eyes largely reflect its physical health. Check your dog's eyes frequently. When dogs are infected with certain infectious diseases such as canine distemper, it often causes inflammation and redness of the eyes, and the eyes are filled with purulent mucus secretions, even causing the dog's eyes to be unable to open. At this time, treatment and care of the eyes should be strengthened. The best way is to dip in medical chloramphenicol eye drops with cotton balls and gently wipe them outward from the inner corners of the eyes until they are cleaned around the eyes. Then drop an appropriate amount of

  • Eye protection of dogs

    Eye protection of dogs

    An animal's eyes reflect its health to a large extent. So always check your dog's eyes. When dogs are infected by certain infectious diseases such as canine distemper, they often cause inflammation, redness and swelling of the eyes, and the orbit is filled with purulent mucus secretions, even causing the dog's eyes to be unable to open, so it is necessary to strengthen eye treatment and care. The best way is to use cotton balls dipped in medical chloramphenicol eye drops, gently wipe from the inner corner of the eye, until the eyes are scrubbed clean. Then inject an appropriate amount of eye drops into the dog's eyes to eliminate inflammation. Some dog breeds such as

  • The occurrence and treatment of keratitis in pet dogs

    The occurrence and treatment of keratitis in pet dogs

    Keratitis is a general term for inflammation of corneal tissue. Corneal opacity (nebula), corneal excrescence, corneal ulcer, corneal perforation and corneal spots are characteristic of all kinds of dogs, but common in small long-haired dogs. 68 cases of keratitis diagnosed and treated since May 2005 were analyzed. Most of them were caused by trauma, foreign bodies, improper drugs and infection, and some of them were unknown. After treatment, 66 cases were cured, the cure rate was 97.06%. Corneal ulcer causes perforation to be difficult to cure. 1 case

  • Surgical treatment of eyelid ectropion in ornamental poodles

    Surgical treatment of eyelid ectropion in ornamental poodles

    Poodle is a cross between Beijing Dog and Lhasa Dog, similar to Beijing Dog. Because of its small size and beautiful shape, poodle is one of the popular ornamental and playful dogs. However, in recent years, eyelid inverted eye diseases have been found in poodles (not found in other breeds of dogs in China), which not only affect beauty, but also affect the development of dogs, and can lead to blindness in serious cases. In clinical treatment, conventional therapy, such as butoxyprocaine hydrochloride eye injection and symptomatic treatment with antibiotics, can only relieve symptoms.

  • Nursing Care of healthy Dog eyes

    Nursing Care of healthy Dog eyes

    For the protection of the eye part, always pay attention to whether there is eye stool, let the dog close his eyes when there is eye droppings, and remove them with wet wipes or cotton swabs. If you have tearful eyes and may have problems such as inverted eyelashes, you have to see a doctor. If the eye bowels are different from the usual transparent or dry brown, and the conjunctiva (white part of the eye) turns red, or the cornea (black part of the eye) has white spots or damaged, you should see a doctor immediately. Short-nosed dogs are prone to protruding eyes and form nasolacrimal duct compression, resulting in the nose part of the eyes of such as Zhong, Xishi, starlings and Beijing dogs.

  • Color diagnosis and Prevention techniques of cattle and Sheep

    Color diagnosis and Prevention techniques of cattle and Sheep

    In the long-term animal husbandry and veterinary production practice, we have summed up nearly 30 years of experience and relevant reports, according to watching the color of cattle and sheep, we can diagnose the disease quite accurately, and adopt effective new technology to prevent and cure it at the same time. A good therapeutic effect can be obtained. 1 "cylinder color" diagnosis 1.1 "red eye disease" of cattle and sheep the pathogen of this disease is Haemophilus or conjunctival rickettsia, which can be infected in cattle and sheep. 1.1.1 symptoms occur simultaneously in both eyes, eyelid swelling, fear of light and tears: inflammation of conjunctiva, diffuse

  • Timely prevention and control of bovine eye disease with high temperature in summer and autumn

    Timely prevention and control of bovine eye disease with high temperature in summer and autumn

    Symptoms: conjunctival flushing, congestion, swelling, inflammation, tears, serous or dense secretions, gradually increasing in the later stage, eyelid swelling, corneal turbidity or ulcer, perforation, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature, restlessness, shaking head and wiping eyes, shyness and fear of light, serious can cause blindness on one or both sides and reduce milk yield of cows. Prevention: it is necessary to do a good job in the environmental hygiene of the barn, ensure that the barn is dry, remove dirt and deal with it properly, and do a good job of killing flies. We should also strengthen feeding management, increase nutrition, protect cow eyes and prevent injuries.

  • How much is a Xi Shi dog?

    How much is a Xi Shi dog?

    How much is a Xi Shi dog?

  • Itching and dryness of bovine eyes can lead to blindness. It is the right time to prevent and cure bovine ophthalmosis in spring.

    Itching and dryness of bovine eyes can lead to blindness. It is the right time to prevent and cure bovine ophthalmosis in spring.

    Itching and dryness of bovine eyes can lead to blindness. It is the right time to prevent and cure bovine ophthalmosis in spring.

  • Did you pay attention to the details of these swimming pools when swimming with children made a family of six sick?

    Did you pay attention to the details of these swimming pools when swimming with children made a family of six sick?

    Summer is a suitable season for playing in the water, but if you do not pay attention to self-protection in the process of playing in the water, you may get sick! A 5-year-old child in Wuhan was infected with pinkeye when he returned from swimming. Moreover, due to cross-infection, the whole family.

  • How to raise a Xishi Dog? what kind of dog food should you eat?

    How to raise a Xishi Dog? what kind of dog food should you eat?

    Xishi dog is a kind of dog originally from Xizang in China, which is distributed in many countries in the world and is a kind of dog with high breeding value. Nowadays, many people don't know how to raise a Shih Dog after buying it home. In fact, there are some of them.

    2020-11-08 Xi Shi dog how raise dog eat what dog food good
  • Canine keratitis

    Canine keratitis

    Keratitis in dogs is usually caused by trauma or foreign bodies, but can also occur in certain infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. [Diagnostic points] The main symptoms of acute keratitis are shyness, tears, pain, eyelid closure, conjunctival flushing. Trauma is caused by rough corneal surface, corneal opacity, some mild; only a translucent thin nebula, some thicker, opaque white film, so the dog blindness. Longer course of disease cases, causing corneal peripheral congestion and neoplasia

  • The cause, diagnosis and prevention of keratitis, an ophthalmological disease in dogs

    The cause, diagnosis and prevention of keratitis, an ophthalmological disease in dogs

    Keratitis in dogs is usually caused by trauma or foreign bodies. It can also occur during certain infectious and parasitic diseases. The main symptoms of acute keratitis are shyness, tears, pain, eyelid closure, conjunctival flushing. Trauma is caused by rough corneal surface, corneal opacity, some mild; only a translucent thin nebula, some thicker, opaque white film, so the dog blindness. Longer course of disease cases, causing corneal peripheral congestion and neovascularization. serious

  • What if pigeons shed tears in their eyes? Treatment of tears in pigeon eyes

    What if pigeons shed tears in their eyes? Treatment of tears in pigeon eyes

    Pigeon eye cold is an easily recurrent disease, which will affect the pigeon's eyes and breathing, so it is necessary to control the disease in time. Let's take a look at the causes and treatment of pigeon tears: the symptoms of pigeon tears show scratching.

    2020-11-08 Pigeons eyes tears how to do treatment pigeons
  • Symptoms and preventive measures of bovine pink eye disease

    Symptoms and preventive measures of bovine pink eye disease

    Symptoms and preventive measures of bovine pink eye disease

  • What if the goldfish hanging orchid drops its leaves?

    What if the goldfish hanging orchid drops its leaves?

    Goldfish hanging orchid, also known as goldfish flower, kangaroo orchid, kangaroo flower, and then look at the drum belly, and also feel quite similar to the mother kangaroo! In the middle of winter, the eyes outside the window were bleak and lonely. At this time, look at the table above, in the blue waves, a group of golden-orange little goldfish laughing and frolicking
